Who doesn’t love a good upgrade, right?

The travel advisor in me is always looking for a way to elevate client (and my own) trips by upgrading their experience. 

Everyone has their own ideas of what is worth spending their money on and worthy of an upgrade. But, what I’m talking about is several ways you can upgrade your life without spending a dime.

And I can’t resist a good travel-life-related analogy, so let’s talk about some ways that we can get started upgrading our daily life.

Upgrade Your Room

One way to enhance your trip is with a room upgrade. You might start off with what we travel advisors call “the lead in or entry level category”.

A part of finalizing an itinerary is looking at upgraded categories and selecting the one that will make the trip the best.

How about upgrading your life by upgrading your circle?

Maybe you’ve never stopped to think about the people you surround yourself with would act as an upgrade to elevate your life.

It’s always nice having good travel companions.

When you are surrounded by a circle of social and professional quality people where there is mutual support and encouragement, that makes for a pretty good trip.

Your mental space is important and worthy of having the best of all upgrades. Do you believe that you have value to those around you?

Well, you do. We all have something to offer, so don’t ever sell yourself short. No one knows everything.

Remember the saying, “if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room”? Having a circle with people that you can learn and grow from makes you pretty darn smart.

When you know your own worth, then you stop questioning if you truly belong anywhere including with people that you might feel are above your caliber in work and life.

Like any new trip, you might feel a little anxious or nervous to try something new or get to know someone new.

Upgrading your circle takes putting yourself out there and getting out of your comfort zone, but trust me, it is worth it! 

Now that you are surrounded with support and encouragement, you can really dig deep and do some internal work.

Upgrade Your View

Now that you’ve upgraded your room, how about your view? Are you okay with a view of the resort next to you or a concrete wall? Wouldn’t you prefer an ocean view or a peaceful lake instead?

What do you see and tell yourself when you look in the mirror?

So often we focus on upgrading material things around us (our clothes, home and car), but what if you start by upgrading you? How you think of yourself, what you say to yourself, and how you feel about yourself can be the difference between facing a concrete wall of negativity and self-doubt with no view and replacing it with the confidence and kindness of a penthouse suite with a full ocean view.

We all need to check our view from time to time to see how you are treating your mind, body, and spirit and ask, what is it that is going to truly make you be the best version of yourself?

Don’t forget to check the perspectives around you. Are they filled with negativity, jealousy, or gossip? Remember, that both your room (your circle) and your view (how you think of yourself) is what makes for a really good journey.

Now, let’s not forget how we got there.

Upgrade your ticket. Let’s talk about first class.

Sometimes getting to the destination is half of the fun. Except, when you are flying coach in the middle seat, then it can be, well, not so fun.

Have you ever flown first class? If you haven’t, you have to try it at least once. Instead of dreading the travel day, it makes the experience from a priority line at check-in to arrival in destination enjoyable all while sipping champagne in a more comfortable seat along the way.

Have a first class mindset. 

Now, I’m not talking about just believing you deserve to fly first class (although, I know you do!). I’m talking about how you talk to yourself daily and you treat others (including yourself).

How you get somewhere can be just as important as where you go.

We all have daily to-do lists, goals, and dreams we are setting out to achieve. Making sure your mindset is one of gratitude for what you get to do each day, the people in your life, and being of service to others is a first class mindset. Instead of busyness and dread, you are grateful for what you get to do each day to reach your destination (goal). Now, that’s what I call a first class mindset!

Now that you are flying first class, staying in a great room with a view, and traveling with the right people, we have ourselves a perfect trip!

Never stop exploring and traveling through life in style. 
