
How to Drop the Weight (of Mom Guilt)

Everyone likes a good weight loss story—a before and after visual transformation going from a heavier, not-looking-so-happy version of before to a fitter, smiling and slimmer 20 pounds lighter after photo.   For many of us moms, we have a battle with our bodies that starts with dropping the baby weight to carving out time to […]

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Top Ways to Upgrade Your Life (That Won’t Cost a Dime)

Who doesn’t love a good upgrade, right? The travel advisor in me is always looking for a way to elevate client (and my own) trips by upgrading their experience.  Everyone has their own ideas of what is worth spending their money on and worthy of an upgrade. But, what I’m talking about is several ways […]

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Empty Nest Reset

The Holidays are over. Time to push the empty nest reset button–just like when you wake up in the morning and aren’t quite ready to get up and you hit snooze every 10 minutes wishing for more sleep. Many of us empty nesters have had a great couple of months of holiday celebrations with the […]

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Word of the Year Ideas

What is in a word? Well, if you are looking to find a word of the year, it can mean a whole lot. Words can convey expression, emotion, action and intention. And I think that is what I love about having a word of the year—it can encompass all of those things and so much […]

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How Empty Nester Parents Can Avoid Holiday Headaches

Your children go off to college, and you go through all the emotions that go along with it. Maybe you are finally getting used to your new way of life while waiting for your own imaginary diploma that says “congratulations, you have now graduated from parenthood—the at home years” to be delivered any day now […]

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Empty Nest School — What We Learn When Our Kids Go to College

Wait a minute! It’s our children heading back to school — so what do we parents need to be “schooled” in?    Letting go, adjusting to an empty home and learning ourselves again, for starters. Last year, the empty nest fast track swept me up in a whirlwind. My quadruplet daughters each headed off in […]

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Ready or Not, Here Comes the Dreaded Empty Nest!

Will We Sink or Swim? Okay, Parents, with summer almost over, here it comes…  Time for the Kids to Head Off — or Back — to College. (Nooo!)   Do you get that sinking feeling like I do? You know it’s coming, but aren’t quite ready for the wave of emotions about to hit.    […]

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