Explore Real Stories that Help You BE Who You Really Are! 


Empty Besting

If you’re dreading your own empty nest, trying to cope with it now, or just needing to find yourself in the daily mess — you’ll want this book. Discover the hidden joys of switching your attitude and the power of looking for ways to rediscover yourself in the spaces of home and work life. 

I’m distilling everything that helped me with the epic exodus of my 4 youngest girls — quadruplets — at once. I know our experiences won’t be the same, and I’m really okay with that. We don’t have to be the same to learn from each other! I hope you’ll gain insights and ideas to bring into your own evolution.

I’m pretty sure you’ll laugh and cry reading my journey — just like I will writing it! Life’s a big ol’ trip, full of breathtaking sunsets on the beach AND sand in your bathing suit. If we want to go to the beach, it’s great having friends along for whatever happens. Imagine me as that girlfriend who’s got crazy stories — and good insights from it all!  

Rediscovering Yourself Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Last year, a friend challenged me to pick a word as a theme, and Evolve felt right. Obviously, we all faced unimaginable changes as 2020 unfolded. I’m not pretending to know what it’s been like for you. If you’re here, I think it means you value personal growth too. And that’s my intention behind this. 

One of the biggest changes was the quads graduating high school and leaving home. All at once, it was just me and my husband. I wanted to fall apart. I felt so many things. But taking what I’d learned in 2020 up to that point, I turned the angst of empty-nesting into a blessing. 

Instead of wallowing, I got to work — on myself. From what clothes I wanted to wear, to who I wanted to be, and everything in between, it was time for ME to shine. Whether you’re going through the emptiness, just want to prepare for it, or feel like you’re already losing yourself in the blur of motherhood — you can get back to YOU. 

Let me be that supportive voice cheering you home —  to your newly evolved self! 

What readers are saying:

Spark Your Shift

YOU hold the power to shift into the best version of yourself — whatever that is for you. In this collaborative book, you’ll hear from different women who’ve been there. Every chapter gives a fresh and personal perspective on how to spark your shift into deeper fulfillment and joy.  


My chapter is “How To Have It All: Family, Business, Kids, Friends (It Is Possible).” In it, I talk about processing news that shattered every plan I’d made at that point in my life. I couldn’t believe what was happening and thought I’d have to give up everything I ever wanted. I kept reaching to redefine what ‘having it all’ meant to me, no matter how hard it felt. 

I walk you through my process step-by-step, so you can take my lessons and apply them straight to your life. Think of it like a friend sharing her stories — no filter, no pretense. Just real, raw, practical insight you can use right away. Let my experience help you create your own version of having it all! 


Get weekly inspiration and encouragement from myself and other moms on my weekly podcast MOMmentum


If you have questions along the way or just want to say “hi,” send me a note!